Pictures! Hobby Lobby acquisitions:

(Wednesday, October 06, 2004 @ 10:00 PM)

TLC Wiggles and eyelash yarn Posted by Hello

The picture doesn't capture the color of the Wiggles yarn very well. It really is a nice hot pink color... it looks a little orangy in the picture. I thought I'd use these to make my 6 year old a poncho.

Camoflage sock yarn Posted by Hello

This I got to make my son some socks. I had planned to make me and my hubby and the kids socks for Christmas, rather than buying slippers. We'll see how that works out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI - the resident knothead ,

How about advertising all your links on Yahoo, Google, Msn, Altavista, Alexa and any other site you may ever want to advertise on? Even on the White House website if you want. ;-)

Did you know that one textlink on costs $12,000.00 PER DAY??

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Curious? >

Advertise on the top 100,000.00 Alexa sites for $45,00 only!

Check it out!!

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Leisel ,

How about advertising all your links on Yahoo, Google, Msn, Altavista, Alexa and any other site you may ever want to advertise on? Even on the White House website if you want. ;-)

Did you know that one textlink on costs $12,000.00 PER DAY??

We offer you to advertise on any of those site for only $45,00 a go.

Curious? >

Advertise on the top 100,000.00 Alexa sites for $45,00 only!

Check it out!!

6:51 AM  

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